Banbury SC - Vintage and Classic
Address: Boddington Reservoir, Byfield, Northamptonshire NN11 6XU
01327 260960
Take the A361 Daventry to Banbury road to Byfield, and then turn west for Upper Boddington. The entrance to the club is via the car park on the NE side of the reservoir follow the road across the field to the club site.
After passing through a gated drive and across fields you will find the club-house with adjacent car parking. There is plenty of grassy foreshore for rigging, and launching is easy with several protected pontoons with non-marking fenders where boats can be left at break times.
We are a friendly club and welcome keen racers, family sailors and beginners of all ages and abilities.
The Club has excellent facilities with 90 acres of water in attractive countryside, at Boddington Reservoir, 7 miles north of Banbury. Members can sail at any time with organised racing every Sunday from the beginning of March through to mid-December.
The Merlin Rocket fleet is has doubled in size in the last 3 years and now has 10 boats that are sailed regularly (from Tales down to a Proctor IXb) plus a couple of real oldies that are kept for Vintage events. Racing is strictly in classes for the midday and afternoon race each Sunday so you are competing only against other Merlin Rockets rather than trying to beat another class of boat on the basis of some unfathomable numbers! Starts are a combination of pure class starts and mass starts with all the other fleets even though you are just competing against other Merlins Rockets.
Normally there are 5 - 6 Merlins on the water each Sunday with the remainder making regular appearances. Competition is keen but friendly with protests being quite an unusual event. The water itself presents interesting challenges not only in a need to be able to memorise eight figure telephone numbers if the duty team uses all the buoys, but also in learning how to read the many and varied twists to the wind.
The Club is a registered RYA Training Centre and training is provided for members. The Silver Tiller Open meeting. This Open has been held every year since 1952 (except 2001 during the foot & mouth epidemic) and in 2003 had the second highest attendance (38 boats) at any Silver Tiller event.
The clubhouse is well equipped with a good (and cheap) bar; hot showers; plenty of room and even a veranda on which you can relax to enjoy the sailing. There are regular social activities throughout the year and for the juniors, a club which meets on Saturdays during the summer. There is plenty of room to park your boat and your car securely. Membership includes boat parking & covers all the family.
Why not visit our website to find out more or make contact with the Merlin Rocket Class Captain or simply turn up on a Sunday afternoon (tea is at around 3.30pm) and join us for tea. Do not be put off by the locked gate - either call the club and ask someone to let you in or walk up the track.
You will find us truly a very friendly bunch and willing to help you get to grips with getting the best from your Merlin Rocket.
Last updated 5:49am on 14 March 2025